Big Idea #1
May 1st, 2007 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

Although this is not the first big idea I’ve come up with, it is the one that I’ve worked on this morning. I have been compiling the student descriptive adjectives from my interviews on a spreadsheet. The question reads:

Name three adjectives that describe you as a person in terms of your science project.

I’ve been struggling with thinking of ways to group this data. I’ve also been struggling with getting up in the morning. This morning, my alarm went off at its usual 5:50. I snoozed once, then turned it off. I started thinking about the adjective data again as I faded back and forth from consciousness. I was thinking, how do I axially code (group) this data . . . I know I have some creative behaviors and I know I have some work-ethic ideas. And then it hit me . . . work ethic is like task commitment a la Renzulli’s (1986) three-ring conception of giftedness. Perhaps I can categorize the data into these three groups.

And so it has been done (thus far). I am not surprised to see that the high achieving students describe their projects with more “creativity” words, while the low achieving students use more “task commitment” words.

I think this grouping will be an interesting way to look at the data (perhaps a x2 is in the works?)

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