Proposal defense
Dec 27th, 2006 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

Thoughts from the proposal defense. Very pleased with the presentation. Sue S. said I sounded like the Nova announcer. Pat C. and I were able to celebrate with dinner after the defense. Marcy was very supportive. Some great points came up:

  • Ralph wonders if there is enough time in a 30-minute interview. He feels I should change this to a 1-hour interview. I think this only appears in the informed consent letters. Makes good sense.
  • Karen feels I should review information about phone interviews. Nothing appears in any of the texts, so I will write to Karen and ask if she has any specific advice.
  • I will “recruit” Tucker and Ryan to conduct the data collection for the Lexis Nexis search and create the document for me.
  • Phone interviews – Dragon Naturally Speaking 9 with the digital voice recorder. Let’s pilot this ASAP!
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