Learning from video
May 18th, 2011 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

My team and I have been talking lately about the notion of teaching videos. “Distance education” processes have been around for a long time, and have manifested in different ways. The challenge for the asynchronous delivery of content is that it be engaging. What does that mean? For a video, engagement might mean:

  • interactive with the viewer (making the viewer complete a task to be an active, instead of passive, learner)
  • interactive internally (when two or more people can talk and interact, it makes the video more engaging)
  • short (too long, tuned out)
  • specific (content should be very targeted)
  • robust (include appropriate visual stimuli)
  • seeing the speaker(s) (there’s something powerful about seeing a person talk and watching the specific content)

This video visually enhances some of this vision:

Alignment of inquiry and 21st century skills standards
May 6th, 2011 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

Tomorrow, presenting at the 2nd biennial International Instructional Leadership Conference, I am going to make a supposition that 21st century skills are inquiry process skills. Below, my prezi presentation:

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