Research Mission
February 22nd, 2010 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

visionmissionvaluesAs I constantly straddle the realms of educational research and the role of a practitioner, I find myself trying to define my interests.  Today I describe my research interests in somewhat of a mission statement. I am doing it in plural form as, although I operate as an autonomous researcher, I have collaborators and someday hope to be directing my own social science lab.  I currently direct a high school natural science and engineering lab, and there is much more diversity in my interests and their interests:


We try to relate analytic thinking with creative thinking, which calls for multi-focused domain and divergent thinking. We are trying to promote synergic relationships between analytically and creative-oriented minds. Our research tries to bridge analytical with creative-oriented efforts, convergent with divergent thinking, to develop domain-specific expertise from non-focused or multi-focused generalism.

Research Interests:

By using appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods, we seek to better understand what promotes scientific thinking in young adults.

 Threads for study:  

  • The examination of problem finding and problem solving in authentic settings
  • Habits of mind for open inquiry
  • The impact of authentic inquiry opportunities on teaching and learning
  • The intersection of creative and logical/analytical behaviors in a situated cognitive learning setting
  • The development of 21st-century skills in conjunction with scientific content acquisition
  • The development of higher order thinking skills in science classrooms
  • The role of Web 2.0 interactive technology to improve critical, creative, and reflective thinking

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