The Beauty of Long Island Sound
Nov 6th, 2010 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.

Matthew Housekeeper, who blogs at Soundbounder, recently posted about the season change on Long Island Sound.  I think there’s something to be said about the beauty and grandeur of nature along with the underlying biology that makes this beauty possible.

Matthew Housekeeper, Soundbounder


Here’s an excerpt:

November is lonely on the water. An occasional commercial boat is the only other vessel you may see. The shoreline in the distance seems deserted too. Gone are the crowds that flocked to these beaches just six weeks ago. Waterfront homes that overflowed with guests, look empty and silent. Their awnings and Adirondack chairs have been removed from the lawn. Only an occasional whiff from a fireplace tells you that someone is home. A lighthouse that seemed like a quaint image for artists and tourists in June, becomes a utilitarian navigation aid in November.

November is also a sad month on the water. No matter how enjoyable the time might be, you know the days are numbered. This year is no different, as my day is spent looking back in time, rather than forward. I think of my trip to the Thimble Islands, and a starry night anchored in West Harbor. Any sort of thought to suppress my approaching winter ashore. The seasons of the year have come full circle.

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