Jun 18th, 2012 by Frank LaBanca, Ed.D.
I am curating and will be speaking at the TEDxLitchfieldED event on June 28 at the IBM Conference Center in Southbury. (Seats still available, click HERE). I was just asked to provide my title and brief description, so here it is!
The Problem Finding – Problem Solving Conundrum
Problem solving has long been valued in education. Students are often challenged to use a variety of inquiry strategies to identify problems and their implications, develop action plans, utilize a variety of relevant sources, information, and data to address problems, and formulate solutions. Problem solving is typically a logical, analytical process. This, however, leads to a critical question: Where do the ideas for problems come from? In education, we rarely talk about the process of problem finding: the development of a unique and engaging idea for study. Problem finding is the ability to define or identify a problem and involves the consideration of alternative views or definitions of a problem that are generated. Problem finding requires setting objectives, defining purposes, deciding what is interesting, and ultimately deciding what to study. Therefore, problem finding is an inherently creative process that complements the logical/analytical aspects of problem solving.